Thursday 23 February 2012

So Life has gotten in the way again, but in between all the drama I've managed to finally finish my sons beanbag. I used the pattern in the cath kidston book, its the biggest thing I've made so far and the most complicated pattern, but very pleased with how it turned out. Here are some pictures...

It was also the first time I'd sewn a zip and after dreading starting it, it didn't turn out to bad, (not from the outside anyway) I also love the jungle fabric and will make a nice little addition to our living room, perfect for cbeebies time

my first zip

Next on the to do list is to make myself a bag for uni and continue with some little key rings I've been making.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

So I'm starting to realise how life can so easily get in the way of things you really want to do. We have all had a sickness bug that's been going round as well as starting back at uni. So all crazy and not much lovely sewing time to be had. 

I finally got round to making my pin cushion which I love, and its already come in handy, no more pins stuck in the edges of the sofa...

I ended up using the pattern in my Cath Kidston book and actually following the instructions (after my free and attempt failed,) but really happy with it now and gave me a bit of practice at following instructions. So far so good...

The only other thing I've had chance to make was a necessity for my little boy. He got lots of jigsaws for his birthday and loves them but they're everywhere. Instead of having lots of boxes of jigsaws I decided to make him a bag with some gorgeous fabric in my stash. I think I'm getting better at actually making the bags it was just the handles I was unsure of as before I've always just used ribbon. Luckily for me my  yr old isn't much of a critic so will do perfectly for what he needs.

I've got lots of sewing plans at the moment its just a matter of finding time to do them. I want to make myself a couple of things out of my 1 sewing book, a toddler size bean bag and also a tote bag for myself for uni. I've already got the fabric for the bean bag and am on the look out for lovely fabrics for myself.  I think I'd also like to check out what other sewing books are out there as well. In the future Id love to make my own patterns but I think I will learn much more by following other peoples advice for now. Hopefully it wont be as long before I have some more makes to show off :)